New Journey

Hi friends, I missed you all this while, but the good news is that I am back now!

You must be thinking that I should have updated and eloped, and yes, I think so too.

Apologies, I will be much more regular from now on.

Nevertheless, during this time, I had undergone a very powerful work called behavioral Money Coaching, and I also added this coaching skill under my belt.

Guess what?

Now, I am a Certified Money Coach (CMC)®.

This coaching process helped me in elevating my relationship with money, and I am positive you will all benefit from it. It is so exciting to share this new coaching skill with all of you.

Never heard about Money Coaching?

So, here you go!

Money Coaching is a very deep, step-by-step coaching process. This is a rapidly emerging field and paradigm. As coaches, we help people become more self-aware, create greater mental balance, and transform their relationship with money.

A Money Coach serves as a BRIDGE: In our evolved society, money remains the greatest of all taboos. People often feel lost when it comes to money and don’t know the “way” to change. Hence, they often have conflicting thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and no translator to help and understand them. As a Money Coach, my intention is to serve people all around the world to move beyond this taboo by becoming more conscious and self-aware. This process helps people to identify the origin of their unconscious patterns and behaviors, so they could transform their inner relationship with money and also grow their Self- Worth.

Few common examples of unconscious incorrect money beliefs and behaviors:

  •       Feeling that they are not worthy of earning too much money.
  •       Believing that having more money is bad.
  •       Keeping secrets about money from those who care the most.
  •       Feeling insecure of committed relationship due to money issues. 

Do any of these beliefs and behaviors sounds familiar?

I can go on and on. There’s a lot to share, so please stay tuned. 

What do you think about having unconscious money patterns? Have you ever thought about it before? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

For more details, please email me at